With iFastNet.com*
Our hosting was independently tested and found to be the fastest free hosting in the world.
Uptime is our main priority, which is why can proudly say we offer 99.9% uptime.
Gratis offers free hosting with unlimited disk storage, unlimited bandwidth, and unlimited domains/subdomains.
It's in the name; Gratis is available at no cost to you. No credit card required, no time limits, and no hidden fees.
We will not place any watermarks or advertisements on your website. Your website belongs to you.
Add your own domain name or pick from a list of free subdomain extensions.
At Gratis, we believe everyone deserves an opportunity to create their own website. Here are some common questions about our service before registration.
Yes! With Gratis, you can host your website for free forever. No extra costs or hidden fees. You don't even need to enter a credit card.
Gratis is free forever! Host your website without paying anything.
Of course! Gratis has a variety of subdomain names available, like yourname.gratishost.net.
You can connect as many of your own domains as you would like to your account for free.
No. We will not place any watermarks or advertisements on your website. Your website belongs to you.
There is no free trial or demo. Gratis is free forever.